A downloadable Platformer for Android

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《Code:NGCA》是一款結合 Cyberpunk 世界觀的 類銀河戰士惡魔城(Metroidvania)平台遊戲。在這款遊戲中,玩家將探索一個充滿未來感的賽博世界,操控強大的機甲角色,並透過裝備與改裝系統,自由定製你的戰鬥風格。遊戲還加入了多位充滿魅力且極具深度的女性角色,讓整個世界更加豐富多彩。

但由於我們團隊資源有限,這個大型項目被拆分為五個開發階段:LEVEL.1 到 LEVEL.5。我們希望通過逐步開發,不僅能夠實現這個充滿野心的項目,還能從每個階段的發佈中籌措資金並不斷提升技術能力。

LEVEL.1 已經成功推出,現可在 Google Play 免費下載。這個版本中,玩家可以初步體驗到操控、平台跳躍與場景關卡的簡單機制,算是完成基礎技術驗證。

目前我們正在全力開發 LEVEL.2,這一階段將為遊戲帶來大幅升級,包括:





我們已經完成了 LEVEL.2 的開場劇情以及一個 DEMO 關卡,現已開放給玩家體驗並提供回饋。我們迫切期待聽到你們的意見,這將幫助我們進一步完善遊戲,為未來版本帶來更多驚喜與優化。

你的支持對我們至關重要! 請下載並體驗我們的遊戲,分享你的感受與建議。無論是設計、玩法,還是整體體驗,你的意見將幫助我們不斷進步,最終打造出這款擁有豐富裝備改裝系統、機甲戰鬥以及魅力女性角色的 類銀河戰士惡魔城 遊戲!


Google Play 下載 LEVEL.1


                             LEVEL.1+                                                                          LEVEL.2  Beta1

Welcome to the world of Code:NGCA


Code:NGCA is a Cyberpunk-themed Metroidvania platformer. In this game, players will explore a futuristic cyber world, controlling powerful mecha characters and customizing their combat styles through a flexible equipment and upgrade system. The game also features several charismatic and deeply developed female characters, making the world even richer and more immersive.

However, due to our team’s limited resources, this large-scale project has been divided into five development phases: LEVEL.1 to LEVEL.5. Through phased development, we not only aim to realize this ambitious project but also hope to raise funds and continuously improve our technical capabilities at each stage of release.

LEVEL.1 has been successfully launched and is now available for free on Google Play. In this version, players can experience the basic mechanics of controls, platforming, and simple stage designs, serving as a proof of our core technology.

We are currently fully focused on developing LEVEL.2, which will bring significant upgrades to the game, including:

Comprehensive updates to all in-game models and visual effects

New moves and abilities for the characters

Additional game mechanics and challenges

A completely redesigned user interface and new levels

We have already completed the opening story of LEVEL.2 as well as a demo level, which is now available for players to experience and provide feedback. We are eager to hear your thoughts, as they will help us refine the game further and bring even more exciting content and improvements in future versions.

Your support is vital to us! Please download and try out our game, and share your thoughts and suggestions. Whether it's about the design, gameplay, or overall experience, your feedback will help us keep progressing toward building a Metroidvania game filled with a rich customization system, mecha combat, and captivating female characters!

Download and support us now!

Download LEVEL.1 on Google Play

Follow our development progress—more surprises are on the way!

Published 10 hours ago
StatusIn development
GenreAction, Platformer
Tags3D, Cyberpunk, Singleplayer, Unity


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

DEMO1005_1.apk 103 MB

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